Poison Count Down to Announcement. POISON + MÖTLEY CRÜE + DEF LEPPARD Tour?

poison countdown

POISON have launched a countdown on their website that probably will reveal the details of the rumored tour with MOTLEY CRUE and DEF LEPPARD

It seems that we are just a few hours away for knowing what will happen with the POISON tour with Def Leppard, Mötley Crüe and Lizzy Borden?. The band has published a countdown on its website. We just have to wait till the timer reach zero, that will happend at 4.30 p.m. EST on Dec. 4.

A few weeks ago, the rumor of a possible tour of Def Leppard, Mötley Crüe and Poison by 2020 jumped. Shortly after Mötley Crüe officially confirmed his return to the stage. This weekend it was LIZZY BORDEN who launched on social networks these questions: What do you think of this poster? Would you attend this event?

Poison frontman Bret Michaels first alluded to this in an interview with Billboard where:

“2020 is really the dream…I’m working real hard right now to put together something incredible with some other bands for next summer.”

Bret Michaels


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