Interview with “THE RUMJACKS”

the rumjacks

We talked about music and more with the Australian band The Rumjacks

RnB: It ́s great to talk with you. First of all we want to say Thank You from Rock and Blog for giving us this opportunity

Frankie – You’re very welcome, and thank you too.

RnB: Let’s start talking about the band:We would like to know more about the band. How did you met? How long has this band been together?

Frankie – The band started 9 years ago when Johnny and I met at a pub around 2am in the morning, quickly gathered some friends together and started playing a few shows.

RnB: How do you define your music style?

We’re not exactly confined to any single style of music, but we generally play a whole lot of punk rock with a heavy Scots/Irish folk influence, and with a good bit of Ska Reggae thrown in too.

RnB: Could you name three bands that really have influenced you?

Three of the most obvious influences on on myself as a songwriter would have to be The Clash, Rancid and The Pogues.

RnB: what was the hardest thing you have had to overcome with the band?

The music industry has always been a treacherous one, and its only getting tougher, so I think the hardest test we’ve faced is to stick to our guns for this long and continue to make music together, but really, there’s not too much this band couldn’t overcome by now.

RnB: Is Australia a good place for Rock and Roll?

Johnny – Australia IS a great place for rock and roll…It’s just a pity the country itself, doesn’t to a lot to nurture this style of music. So many great Australian rock and roll bands have had to take what they do overseas a lot more where the style is encouraged and received well.

RnB: Which bands in your country would you recommend today?

Some bands I would suggest having a listen to would be King Parrot, Desecrator and Airbourne.

RnB: Your music talks about a lot of social problems a how the world is sick. What do you think that are actually the main problems in this world? terrorism, hunger, nationalism, pollution…

Frankie – These are all very serious problems for certain, but generally speaking, we seem to be lacking the basic qualities of thoughtfulness & compassion, we’re consumed instead with ignorance & hatred , and virtually the whole horrible mess can be traced back somehow to money or religion.

The organised banking structure of the world is there to keep us in a state of perpetual debt, guaranteeing that we must work ourselves to death.. and organised religion fools us to believe we are forever in spiritual debt, and we’ll do anything to buy favour with our gods, including blow each other to pieces or bomb each others children.. There’s a mega-industry in human suffering, and the bosses pockets are very well lined.

RnB:Could you briefly describe the music-making process for your last album?

Frankie – The last album was a lot of fun to make, we had only minimal preparation for recording, and so went away to an isolated studio, where we all created the songs together in one room. I was even only writing lyrics on the spot for most songs, and so capturing all that combined energy resulted in a very fresh & organic sounding album.

RnB: Are you actually thinking or working in songs for the next album?

I’m already starting to arrange some new songs for another album, next year will see the band celebrate ten years together, so it will be great to release again for the occasion.

RnB: Is there any summer festival in your plans?

Johnny – No summer festivals this time around. We did a lot on our last tour so this year we wanted to focus on some club shows. We have been to Spain a few times now and every show has been amazing. The clubs we have played and the crowds have been some of the most fun! Big thank you to all the people that have come out so far!

RnB: We are almost finishing, so now it ́s time for our most personal questions. We always ask these questions but Don’t worry, this is not about relationships, the only lover we’re interested on is rock and roll:

What was the first concert you attended to, as an audience?
Frankie – RUN DMC
Johnny – Strung Out
What was the first record you bought?
Frankie – U2 Live Under a blood red sky.
Johnny – Green Day ‘Hitching a Ride’ on single
Did someone close coax you into loving rock and roll?
Frankie – My good friend and amazing guitarist, Grant Allan.
Johnny – A friend from school called Rowan Gibbons. He would lend me his tapes and took me to my first guitar shop.

That ́s all. Thank you, very, much and good luck. See you in next shows!


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